What would happen if we consciously decide not to have any opinions? In many instances, our opinions distract from our goals. We waste our time and energy that cause delays in our blessings. When we cease opinions, we can release ourselves from the grip of social pressures and cares. Lack of opinions offers peace of mind when you embrace reality as it is without the need to argue and engage in needless negative comments. Most opinions we form are based on a limited set of facts and information. Do our opinions matter? How do they improve our state of mind or lives? Our lives would be peaceful, our relationships more substantial, or our actions more productive if we ceased to comment on everything. An opinion is an expression of our perspective on any given issue or situation and not facts. They are an expression of a point of view. Opinions are not actions. We rarely act after expressing an opinion; therefore, it is counterproductive. If an issue is important to us, we can make the right move. Not having an opinion is about awareness of what’s important and what we can do. Instead of creating more conflict in the world and adding to our stress, we can choose peace of mind. We can replace opinions with calm reflection and focus on how we can live our lives. And when we have a view about something important, we can choose quiet action over loud empty opinions. If you would like more about unlocking blessing here is the link: NJBizNet.com/UnLockBlessings Lenape Have No Concept of the word FAIL
To fail has never been a word that any generation has used in our existence. To fail is to admit that the Creator is not in charge, and we have no faith in the path of our existence. When the Creator and Nature guide our paths, we can recognize that which we are responsible. Some journeys are short and some very long. As the pages in a book, they only go from cover to cover. However, it is as we turn the page and close the book. As long as we wake each day, we learn something new. One new thought or encounter moves us closer to our destiny that has been started for us by only the Creator. To say that we have failed, is to admit that the Great Spirit does not govern our lives. Lenape are not competitive; therefore, we do not know failure. We have goals that are only for ourselves and never to compare or compete with others. When we compete, there will always be winners and losers or success and failures. Competitions will keep us on the forever swing of the pendulum that never ceases to swing in opposite directions. The equal swing must compensate the swing to the right to the left, and so forth. We must stop the swing and keep our eyes on the Creator, and our journeys and paths will be straightforward. We will be happy and satisfied in a state of joy and thankfulness. If you would like more about unlocking blessing here is the link: NJBizNet.com/UnLockBlessings Constant complaining will rewire your brain to cause future complaining. Eventually, it will be easier to complain than to be positive, regardless of the blessings you achieve. Complaining will ultimately become a significant part of your behavior and change how people react to you.
The stress caused by complaining will have a lasting and negative impact on your brain. A few days of stress will damage the neurons that are part of the brain used for problem-solving and reasoning. Complaining will impair the brain's ability to create new neurons to attract blessings. If you would like more about unlocking blessing here is the link: NJBizNet.com/UnLockBlessings Lenape are not competitive; therefore, we do not know failure. We have goals that are only for ourselves and never to compare or compete with others. When we compete, there will always be winners and losers or success and failures. Competitions will keep us on the forever swing of the pendulum that never ceases to swing in opposite directions. The equal swing must compensate the swing to the right to the left, and so forth. We must stop the swing and keep our eyes on the Creator, and our journeys and paths will be straightforward. We will be happy and satisfied in a state of joy and thankfulness. Did you know excuses prevent you from achieving your goals? Excuses simply say that you are not going to do what you need to do. When you want to achieve goals, it is for only you! But who is watching, no one? Or are you setting an example for your legacy? To reach your goals and get what you want, you'll have to work hard and never, never make excuses. No one has it easy in life, so it's a waste to make excuses for why something is impossible for you or why you can't reach your goals. |
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